Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random query...

So my mom and I had an interesting conversation the other day, and I've been thinking about it ever since. I had always assumed that if someone said something when they were mad or drunk they obviously really meant it in real life. Of course, because that is mostly what happens with me. Two glasses of wine, you'll have about as much honestly as you can handle - every thought that is in my brain comes sliding on out.

But she observed that there are people in this world who say things when they're mad and drunk that they do not mean at all, not even in the slightest. That hadn't ever occured to me before, but I'm thinking it's definitely an option.

What do you think? Which side of the railroad tracks do you fall on?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your mom. I'm more likely to be honest in my normal state. When drunk, I'll screw around with you for fun. I've said mean things when angry just to "get back" at people.

Mich said...

Interesting question...

I think I am more honest after a few drinks - my sober self likes to avoid confrontation and would rather keep the peace while my drunken self has no problem letting it all fly.

Bayjb said...

I think I do a little of both. I can be brutally honest but the behavior can push me to also say things I don't mean.