Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Big Day, Big Day!

Two years ago today, Hubs and I tied the knot.It's been the most amazing two years. We've been through some tough times, and continue to persevere with him being gone during the week for work. But we're making it through! We've really focused on each other and making each other a priority; and for that I'm very proud of us. Each weekend seems to get better and better. I love you, Hubs, more than words can describe. You may not be perfect, but you are perfect for me. And I look forward to living the rest of our lives together.

Not to be outdone, Milly has a big event today too! One year ago today Milly was whelped (aka born)! Happy Birthday, Baby Dog!!


Bayjb said...

Your wedding picture is gorgeous! What a lovely dress and day. Happy Anniversary

Tabatha said...

Happy Anniversary to you two.....and Happy Birthday Milly!!!!!!!!