Monday, September 28, 2009

Back home again....

So I'm back! I'm dragging a WHOLE lot and have my sister's wedding on Saturday, so things are going to be a bit quiet around here. Check out what I'll be up to:
  • Working out every day and eating lean protein and veg (I am fat, and not with PH-AT).
  • Haircut and color tonight (stay blonde or go brown?! the question of the century)
  • Milly gets a shot tomorrow. So sad. Hopefully they use a kitten needle so she doesn't fuhreak out
  • Wednesday need to pack!
  • Finish table tents (I'm doing the calligraphy on them) for the wedding
  • Make a mix for the dance portion of the wedding evening
  • Head off to Evansville on Thursday for wedding festivities

And a funny story: My mom called me and left a voicemail yesterday saying that Gracie was toddling around their house yesterday, pointed the couch that was Milly's favorite place to sit when we were there last, and said "ARF! ARF!" So cute! It's funny that she remembers Milly :)