Thursday, January 07, 2010

Baby pics

For Christmas I got a printer/scanner/copier/all in one thing, which I LOVE so far (came in handy scanning the first two pics). So I moved around the shelves in the living room a bit. Before the whole shelf was pretty full with DVDS so we got one big case and put all the DVDs in there. That left the top shelves completely empty, so I needed to add some things. For some nostalgia I busted out some oldies but goodies...

My grandpa gave these to me when my Grandma Stratton passed away. They are turning out to be some of my favorite pictures. I am only a week old in these pictures!! The first one is with my Grandma Stratton (look at that bond already!) and the second is with my parents (HOW young do they look? They were 22 and 23, holy smokes!).

I'm not sure how old Mike is in this one, but hoo boy how cute is he? Adorable...

So that's our new "vintage" decor... I love having these pics of the two of us around as little ones!


Unknown said...

Sometimes I look like that at work, too.

Tabatha said...

Love looking at older pics. Come to think of it I think I have still a really cute picture of the both of us when you were a baby....I will see if I can find it and I will scan and send you. Might take me a while to find it but I will try here soon.