Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bedtime struggles

I've got it! I can post on the blog as I sit on the floor of emmetts room while I wait for him to go to sleep!

(Parenting... Super fun btw)

One of my coworkers told me to put him to bed earlier. I tried that last night. He got so freaking heated up over it, he barfed hot dogs all over his crib.

What? No, my child doesn't eat hot dogs for every meal. Why do you ask?

Very little is grosser than hot dog barf. Seriously.

The thing is, nothing prompts opinions from all kinds of people more than parenting problems and sleep specifically. And I've found little that works other than a stiff cocktail for mommy and daddy.

So here I sit, waiting for Sir to drop off to sleep. It's not like I could be working or doing laundry or wrapping Christmas presents or making gluten free toddler food from scratch. No, nothing better to do. Nothing! Argh.....


Unknown said...

Nothing is more hit and miss in our house than going to sleep. Good luck. Enjoy the drink.