Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stratton Fam Reunion

Just got back from a weekend of Stratton Family reunioning! Here are some pics from the weekend.

Little Jaxon, my cousin Brian's son

Jaxon and Aunt Gayle

Jayden (my cousin Stephanie's son) holds onto Jay's large noggin' for dear life
Little Jayce (Stephanie's younger son) zonks out
Jaxon and Daddy
I love this picture of Brian and Jaxon, but Jaxon is out of focus! He looks like such a Gerber baby though.
Oh, Cousin Zach, you are truly one of a kind ;c)
The whole reunioning group (except for those who left the night before)
And a funny one to end the group of pics... Grandma giving me not one but TWO stinkeyes. Her expression in this one just cracks me up. Grandma is the best, so loving, but a tough cookie!
is she taking a picture? hmmmmmm