Monday, December 03, 2007

December 1

Busy busy day! Today we woke up and went to breakfast with some family friends, Ange and George, at The Bongo Room It was so good, this is a pic of Mike's chocolate french toast.
After breakfast, Mike dropped me by Emily's where I sat and chatted with everyone else while they had brunch, and then we went shopping! I picked up an awesome holiday party dress at Loehmann's and then met back up with Emily and her mom and sister-in-law for more fun. We checked out the Christmas tree in the Walnut Room, which is gorgeous....
Then we stomped around Michigan Avenue taking pictures for Emily's Christmas cards.....
After that, I caught a cab home! Later that night Jay came by and we gave the Wii a good workout. Here he is getting down with some guitar hero.
After some Wii, we hit a houseparty and then went to a bar to dance to some awesome late 90's early 00's rap! Check out Jay and Kim getting down ;c)