Gah, with the forgetting photos. Mike was out of town on business both Wednesday and the bulk of Thursday, and true to form I didn't do much other than work, go to the gym, and eat. On Thursday, our power went out around 8 and I heard an explosion - I'm pretty sure a transformer blew up down the street or something. After realizing that the whole block was out, I called Chadly and Rogus and popped down the street for some Grey's Anatomy. Fun times!So since I forgot to take pictures, I figured I would post a few pics I already had.
This first one is of my Dad and Ditka. Dad saw Ditka at O'Hare and just had to take a picture. Awesome!
The bluescreen I get ALL. THE. FREAKING. TIME.
That's it for now. I have a ten mile run this weekend, wish me luck.
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