Tuesday, December 18, 2007
December 18
December 17
December 13
December 11
Monday, December 10, 2007
November 8
December 7
Thursday, December 06, 2007
December 6
As a completely random aside, this is the third time this week alone I have used my awesome mixer. I used it to make a meatloaf on Saturday and it was AWESOME. A) my hands didn't get all cold and hurty mixing the cold meat, and B) My hands didn't get all meaty! It was the bomb. Thanks for the mixer, Brett and Meghan!
December 5
Oh, and have you seen my dustbuster? Because a magic dustbuster-stealing fairy must have made off with it. I NEED IT!
December 4
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Random bloggy fun
Seriously? The fact that the last unicorn is named Tom Cruise was soooo funny to me for some reason. I literally cracked up in my cube reading that. I also think it's hysterical that later in the post she photoshops pictures of her daschunds so they look like the unicorns. Classic.Planet Unicorn is a series of five little animated videos, each of which is about 3 or 4 minutes long, and...well, actually, I am not going to try to summarize all the complicated plot devices and meticulous character development involved therein. No. Because that has already been DONE, and you can pretty much learn all you need to know about the subtle nuances of the show by reading the spoken-word intro that precedes the theme song:
Okay, now. PEOPLE. Are y'all still with me? Did you get all that? Because: LET'S REVIEW.
This is a show about a gay unicorn planet. In the future. That was wished into existence by an eight year old gay boy. Now, y'all...I ask you. WHAT ABOUT THAT IS NOT AWESOME. YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO TELL ME.
And, oh. Oh, you guys, it only gets better. For example, did you know that the three unicorns who inhabit Planet Unicorn are named Feathers:
and Tom Cruise?
Monday, December 03, 2007
December 2
December 1
November 30
Sunday, November 25, 2007
November 25
November 24
November 23
Dade holds baby Odin. After I took the picture, he said "Did you take a picture of my baby? Is the picture of my baby and me together?" So cute!
November 22
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am thankful for:
- My wonderful family. Dad, Mom, Katie and Jay - you are so very important to me and I am so happy to have you in my life
- My extended and new family. I am so very blessed to have warm and loving extended family; both original and married-into families.
- My husband - he is my foundation, my best friend, and confidante. I love him and love that he was made specially for me. I also love that he will execute bullet points on a honey-do list such as shampooing the carpets. And he is quick to volunteer for those projects which I really do not want to do, such as shampooing the carpets!
- All my friends.... it means alot to have such great homies
- I'm thankful for so much more!